Abdominal Pain Relief Heating Wrap

Electrical outlet
Product information:
Power mode: USB
Control method: mechanical
Gear position: infinitely variable
Massage principle: vibration
Colour: white, pink

1. Evoking Comfort and Well-being:
Embrace Tranquillity: This soothing heating pad offers warmth and comfort during your cycle, promoting relaxation and alleviating discomfort.
Find Your Flow: Navigate your monthly journey with this gentle heat companion, empowering you to manage discomfort and prioritize well-being.
Embrace Self-Care: Invest in this personal wellness tool, delivering targeted warmth and support for any phase of your cycle.

2. Focusing on Functionality and Features:
Targeted Relief, Anytime, anywhere: This portable heating pad delivers adjustable warmth and discreet comfort, empowering you to manage discomfort throughout your day.
Advanced Pain Management: This innovative heating pad combines the power of therapeutic warmth with optional pressure therapy, providing customizable relief for diverse needs.
Washable, Rechargeable, Effortless: Experience long-lasting comfort and hygienic care with this easy-to-maintain heating pad, designed for seamless integration into your life.

3. Inclusive and Empowering:
Celebrate Your Cycle: This heating pad recognizes the unique needs of diverse bodies, offering personalized comfort and support you deserve.
Beyond Periods: This versatile tool provides targeted relief for various pelvic pain conditions, promoting well-being throughout your journey.
Take Control of Your Comfort: This heating pad is your personal companion, empowering you to prioritize your well-being and navigate your cycle with confidence.

Packing list:
Belt*1 Charging cable*1 Manual*1

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